Elana Herzog
The Palace at 9AM, August 2020
Holographic mylar on fire escape.
Dimensions variable
Courtesy of the artist
Commissions are available
(20% of proceeds would go to The Loveland Foundation)

Location: East 6th Street, New York, NY

Artist’s description:
The Palace at 9AM is a subtle intervention into the landscape of my daily life under lockdown. The holographic reflective tape delineates a shape on the bars of my fire escape, drawing attention to it, and "dematerializing" at the same time. During these months my physical surroundings have not changed much, but my perception of them has. The ordinary and the obvious have become visible in new ways. It s visible from the street, especially in the morning when the sun hits it from the east. 


Inquiries: eileen@neumeraki.com

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