Juanita Lanzo
Out/In: Reflections on life, joy and being together, 2020
Sidewalk chalk and chalk pastel on fence wall
approx. 82 inches x 23 feet
Courtesy of the artist

Variations of this mural drawings are available for sale upon request ($100-$1000 drawings and watercolors) 
(30% of proceeds would go to the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund)

Location: East 100th Street, New York, NY 10029
(between Lexington and 3rd Avenue)

Artist’s description:
Out/In: Reflections on life, joy and being together is a sidewalk chalk mural done on a wall next to the artist building that celebrates and reflects on the ephemeral, resilience, lively and mysterious nature of life. The mural consists of seven biomorphic shapes that seem to float or move across a gray background.

Inspired in anatomy, life cycles, and the natural world, Ms. Lanzo creates artwork that is evocative of growth, sexual activity and reproduction, death and decay, love and loss, pain and pleasure, and healing from trauma.


Inquiries: eileen@neumeraki.com

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