Yesuk Seo
Hold Your Breath, 2020
Installation: mixed media, collage with indoor studio objects, silkscreen on wooden board with acrylic paints, silkscreen printing on sheet glass with enamel,
slip-casted ceramics, UV LED light, etc.
Dimensions variable
Courtesy of the artist
(20% of proceeds would go to The Loveland Foundation)

Eye of a Needle, 2020
Silkscreen on wooden board with acrylic paints, dried plants
36 x inches
(20% of proceeds would go to The Loveland Foundation)

Location: Newel Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222

Artist’s description:
In given suspended time and isolated space during pandemic, we undergo dystopia for real. Through assembling and disassembling indoor objects installation, I present my unconsciousness toward social and environmental systems.


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