Bea Wolert
Listening to the Fallen Trees…, August 10, 2020 -present
Fallen and cut trees, sumi ink, turmeric and essential oils. Materials may be added as more time is spent with the piece.
35 x 30 x 8 1/2 feet
Courtesy of the artist
Location: McGoldrick Park: just north of the center entrance on Russell Street b/w Driggs and Nassau Avenues
Brooklyn, NY 11222
3 photos from the series are available:
Listening to the Fallen Trees #001
Listening to the Fallen Trees #002
Listening to the Fallen Trees #003
$250 each
(20% of proceeds would go to The Bail Project)
Artist’s description:
I work with natural and found materials and themes of serendipity, longing and healing. Since Tropical Storm Isaias, numerous trees fell in the park in my neighborhood. They were punctured by iron fencing, cut into sections and raw from the fall. I spend time daily in one particular section of where two trees have fallen... covering areas of the trees with natural materials including turmeric, sumi ink and essential oils as an attempt to acknowledge the stories they provided.
Inquiries: eileen@neumeraki.com
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