Yelaine Rodriguez
Black is Us, 2018
digital printing charmeuse
36 x 45 inches
Courtesy of the artist
Donations made on the artist’s behalf would go to The Bail Project.
Location: Morris Avenue, Bronx, NY 10456
Artist’s description:
Black Is Us focuses on contemporary activists and artists from New York City of the pan-African Caribbean Diaspora. Influenced by The Last Poets poem “Black Is,” The Black Panther Party, and The Young Lords Party, Black Is Us is a Photo - Graphic series of those creatives/activists with roots in the Caribbean sea such as Edwidge Danticat Haitian American author, and Felipe Luciano from The Young Lords. These individuals are doing work with a particular attention to the advancement of people of color. Each portrait is combined with the subject's flag re-interpreted in the colors of the Pan African flag inspired by Marcus Garvey as well as historical photos of the Black Panther Movement and the Young Lords. These images serve as an homage to those that came before them who allowed the next generation a better future and an opportunity to pay it forward.
Debuted at the 27th Concurso de Arte Eduardo Leon Jimenes, Museo Centro de Leon, Santiago, Republica Dominicana.
Inquiries: eileen@neumeraki.com
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